
Authorizers are objects that encapsulate knowledge about a particular web service’s authentication scheme. lazr.restfulclient includes authorizers for common HTTP authentication schemes.

The BasicHttpAuthorizer

This authorizer handles HTTP Basic Auth. To test it, we’ll create a fake web service that serves some sample WADL.

>>> import pkg_resources
>>> wadl_string = pkg_resources.resource_string(
...     '', 'launchpad-wadl.xml')
>>> responses = { 'application/vnd.sun.wadl+xml' : wadl_string,
...               'application/json' : '{}' }
>>> def sample_application(environ, start_response):
...     media_type = environ['HTTP_ACCEPT']
...     content = responses[media_type]
...     start_response(
...         '200', [('Content-type', media_type)])
...     return [content]

The WADL file will be protected with HTTP Basic Auth. To access it, you’ll need to provide a username of “user” and a password of “password”.

>>> def authenticate(username, password):
...     """Accepts "user/password", rejects everything else.
...     :return: The username, if the credentials are valid.
...              None, otherwise.
...     """
...     if username == "user" and password == "password":
...         return username
...     return None
>>> from lazr.authentication.wsgi import BasicAuthMiddleware
>>> def protected_application():
...     return BasicAuthMiddleware(
...         sample_application, authenticate_with=authenticate)

Finally, we’ll set up a WSGI intercept so that we can test the web service by making HTTP requests to (This is the hostname mentioned in the WADL file.)

>>> import wsgi_intercept
>>> from wsgi_intercept.httplib2_intercept import install
>>> install()
>>> wsgi_intercept.add_wsgi_intercept(
...     '', 80, protected_application)

With no HttpAuthorizer, a ServiceRoot can’t get access to the web service.

>>> from lazr.restfulclient.resource import ServiceRoot
>>> client = ServiceRoot(None, "")
Traceback (most recent call last):
Unauthorized: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized

We can’t get access if the authorizer doesn’t have the right credentials.

>>> from lazr.restfulclient.authorize import BasicHttpAuthorizer
>>> bad_authorizer = BasicHttpAuthorizer("baduser", "badpassword")
>>> client = ServiceRoot(bad_authorizer, "")
Traceback (most recent call last):
Unauthorized: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized

If we provide the right credentials, we can retrieve the WADL. We’ll still get an exception, because our fake web service is too fake for ServiceRoot–its ‘service root’ resource doesn’t match the WADL–but we’re able to make HTTP requests without getting 401 errors.

Note that the HTTP request includes the User-Agent header, but that that header contains no special information about the authorization method. This will change when the authorization method is OAuth.

>>> import httplib2
>>> httplib2.debuglevel = 1
>>> authorizer = BasicHttpAuthorizer("user", "password")
>>> client = ServiceRoot(authorizer, "")
send: 'GET / ...user-agent: lazr.restfulclient ...'

The BasicHttpAuthorizer allows you to adds proper basic auth headers to the request, when asked to, using the username and password information it already knows about.

>>> headers = {}
>>> authorizer.authorizeRequest('/', 'GET', '', headers)
>>> headers.get('authorization')
'Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA=='


>>> httplib2.debuglevel = 0
>>> _ = wsgi_intercept.remove_wsgi_intercept("", 80)

The OAuthAuthorizer

This authorizer handles OAuth authorization. To test it, we’ll protect the sample application with a piece of OAuth middleware. The middleware will accept only one consumer/token combination, though it will also allow anonymous access: if you pass in an empty token and secret, you’ll get a lower level of access.

>>> from oauth.oauth import OAuthConsumer, OAuthToken
>>> valid_consumer = OAuthConsumer("consumer", '')
>>> valid_token = OAuthToken("token", "secret")
>>> empty_token = OAuthToken("", "")

Our authenticate() implementation checks against the one valid consumer and token.

>>> def authenticate(consumer, token, parameters):
...     """Accepts the valid consumer and token, rejects everything else.
...     :return: The consumer, if the credentials are valid.
...              None, otherwise.
...     """
...     if token.key == '' and token.secret == '':
...         # Anonymous access.
...         return consumer
...     if consumer == valid_consumer and token == valid_token:
...         return consumer
...     return None

Our data store helps the middleware look up consumer and token objects from the information provided in a signed OAuth request.

>>> from lazr.authentication.testing.oauth import SimpleOAuthDataStore
>>> class AnonymousAccessDataStore(SimpleOAuthDataStore):
...     """A data store that will accept any consumer."""
...     def lookup_consumer(self, consumer):
...         """If there's no matching consumer, just create one.
...         This will let anonymous requests succeed with any
...         consumer key."""
...         consumer = super(
...             AnonymousAccessDataStore, self).lookup_consumer(
...             consumer)
...         if consumer is None:
...             consumer = OAuthConsumer(consumer, '')
...         return consumer
>>> data_store = AnonymousAccessDataStore(
...     {valid_consumer.key : valid_consumer},
...     {valid_token.key : valid_token,
...      empty_token.key : empty_token})

Now we’re ready to protect the sample_application with OAuthMiddleware, using our authenticate() implementation and our data store.

>>> from lazr.authentication.wsgi import OAuthMiddleware
>>> def protected_application():
...     return OAuthMiddleware(
...         sample_application, realm="OAuth test",
...         authenticate_with=authenticate, data_store=data_store)
>>> wsgi_intercept.add_wsgi_intercept(
...     '', 80, protected_application)

Let’s try out some clients. As you’d expect, you can’t get through the middleware with no HTTPAuthorizer at all.

>>> from lazr.restfulclient.authorize.oauth import OAuthAuthorizer
>>> client = ServiceRoot(None, "")
Traceback (most recent call last):
Unauthorized: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized

Invalid credentials are also no help.

>>> authorizer = OAuthAuthorizer(
...     valid_consumer.key, access_token=OAuthToken("invalid", "token"))
>>> client = ServiceRoot(authorizer, "")
Traceback (most recent call last):
Unauthorized: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized

But valid credentials work fine (again, up to the point at which lazr.restfulclient runs against the limits of this simple web service). Note that the User-Agent header mentions the consumer key.

>>> httplib2.debuglevel = 1
>>> authorizer = OAuthAuthorizer(
...     valid_consumer.key, access_token=valid_token)
>>> client = ServiceRoot(authorizer, "")
send: 'GET /...user-agent: lazr.restfulclient...; oauth_consumer="consumer"...'

If the OAuthAuthorizer is created with an application name as well as a consumer key, the application name is mentioned in the User-Agent header as well.

>>> authorizer = OAuthAuthorizer(
...     valid_consumer.key, access_token=valid_token,
...     application_name="the app")
>>> client = ServiceRoot(authorizer, "")
send: 'GET /...user-agent: lazr.restfulclient...; application="the app"; oauth_consumer="consumer"...'
>>> httplib2.debuglevel = 0

It’s even possible to get anonymous access by providing an empty access token.

>>> authorizer = OAuthAuthorizer(
...     valid_consumer.key, access_token=empty_token)
>>> client = ServiceRoot(authorizer, "")

Because of the way the AnonymousAccessDataStore (defined earlier in the test) works, you can even get anonymous access by specifying an OAuth consumer that’s not in the server-side list of valid consumers.

>>> authorizer = OAuthAuthorizer(
...     "random consumer", access_token=empty_token)
>>> client = ServiceRoot(authorizer, "")

A ServiceRoot object has a ‘credentials’ attribute which contains the Authorizer used to authorize outgoing requests.

>>> from lazr.restfulclient.resource import ServiceRoot
>>> root = ServiceRoot(authorizer, "")
>>> root.credentials
<lazr.restfulclient.authorize.oauth.OAuthAuthorizer object...>

If you try to provide credentials with an unrecognized OAuth consumer, you’ll get an error–even if the credentials are valid. The data store used in this test only lets unrecognized OAuth consumers through when they request anonymous access.

>>> authorizer = OAuthAuthorizer(
...     'random consumer', access_token=valid_token)
>>> client = ServiceRoot(authorizer, "")
Traceback (most recent call last):
Unauthorized: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
>>> authorizer = OAuthAuthorizer(
...     'random consumer', access_token=OAuthToken("invalid", "token"))
>>> client = ServiceRoot(authorizer, "")
Traceback (most recent call last):
Unauthorized: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized


>>> _ = wsgi_intercept.remove_wsgi_intercept("", 80)